Federated Charities Participates in Frederick’s Unity Campaign

For 105 years, Federated Charities has actively supported a collaborative charity environment in Frederick and we are pleased to announce our participation in the 2016 Unity Campaign as a part of those efforts. Beginning on September 14th and continuing to September 25th, 19 local charities are working together to raise awareness of the critical needs of our fellow citizens and we are seeking support from our wider community to continue to make our city stand out as place that supports everyone who lives here. Not only a way to raise awareness about our own programs, each of the participating agencies’ benefits from matching funds contributed by generous corporate sponsors.

So, if you’re already a giver in Frederick, thank you for all you do to support our community. If you’re a new donor, thank you so much for impacting local organizations.

To make a donation to benefit any one of the organizations who are participating in this year’s Unity Campaign, please click here.


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Federated Charities is the only nonprofit center in Frederick and offers affordable, operational space to emerging and established nonprofit organizations.  

Frederick Non Profit - Maryland