The Roof Over Our Head Matters...

Our nonprofit center nurtures organizations who make a difference in our quality of life in Frederick. We support agencies who provide medical and dental care, programs who build up children’s self-esteem by teaching music and performance and organizations who offer legal assistance, housing, counseling and other critical services.
Shared space has been shown to positively impact both mission and finances and allows our partners to operate more efficiently and effectively in our community. Our reinvestment represents more than $200,000 every year for mission based services.

We did a thing...
A podcast thing to be specific. Stay tuned here for regular audio featuring the stories of some of our amazing nonprofit partners in the community!
Recent News and Updates
Federated Charities is a member of the Nonprofit Centers Network, the Maryland Association for Nonprofits, the National Association of Fiscal Sponsors, the Frederick Nonprofit Alliance and has a Guidestar Platinum Level Seal of Transparency.