None of us starts out knowing how to do anything “nonprofit.” It takes practice, dedication and a desire to learn. Once a month, we post our top three resources in a given area of nonprofit practice. These may be an article, a research study, an infographic or almost anything else but they are designed to get you thinking about the areas of the sector you might not be aware of and we think of it as self-guided professional development. Enjoy and if you’d like to talk with one of our technical assistance staff members, please don’t hesitate to reach out to info@federatedcharities.org to schedule a conversation.
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July 2024: Your Board of Directors
6 Essential Ingredients is a recipe for success, not a recipe for cookies (although cookies sound amazing right now!-) Your board of directors is one of the amazing building blocks of your organization but board members don’t always show up knowing how to be amazing board members. We distribute this infographic from BoardSource into our recruitment packets of information that we hand out to every prospective member in our organization
Leading with Intent (2021 Results) Not to focus solely on one source of information, BoardSource also regularly publishes a little bit of light reading (kidding/not kidding) every few years and what’s interesting about this report is that it surveys nonprofit executive directors and nonprofit board chairs. We think it’s interesting because it sometimes brings up areas where we don’t all agree on the path forward and we’ve found it helpful when leading robust discussions in our board and strategic planning meetings. We’re including the 2021 report here because they just completed the 2023 report and it hasn’t been released yet.
NonprofitAF Blog We feel the need to inject some humor after those top two resources so we’ll recommend Vu Le and his regular blog posts about nonprofit life. We love his no nonsense tone and the way he makes us laugh out loud when we’re in the middle of our own dumpster fires. This link will take you to his page about board work…read one or read all of them, the point is you’re a big part of your board of directors’ success so stay informed about what’s happening in the sector related to board work.
BONUS RESOURCE Our first professional development session of 2024 focused on recruiting and retaining a board of directors. You can watch the recording of our webinar here.
As always, if you need additional assistance from us, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’d love to help.